A baby blanket that can be wiped off? Imagine that!
If you're looking for something really unique, take a look at our own Grow With Me® Playmat.
We make a "baby blanket" that is not only stainproof, but can be wiped off! Our soft playmat gives your baby room to play on the floor, and is the perfect size for a crib comforter too. It is velvety soft polyester on the decorated side [the same fabric as our bibs], with poly-cotton knit lining on the other side.
Does your baby spit up every time she is put on a blanket to play? With our Playmat so easy to wipe clean, you will no longer have a washer-load of blankets at the end of every day. The thick soft fabric will also insulate and protect her from the cold hard floor. And since our fabric is water repellent, you can put the Playmat on a bed or couch and avoid an "accident" soaking through to the furniture or carpet.
Our stain proof playmat also works extremely well as a Lap Robe for a loved one confined to a wheelchair or in the nursing home. It will keep them toasty warm on even the coldest day and will shield them from chilling drafts. And because it can be wiped off, it won't matter if lunch is spilled! It could even remind them of your continuing love and prayers: embroider a "love message" on it so they will always feel close to you. |